On spirit, not Spirits


That concept that new agers and bible thumpers have been obsessed with for as long as I can remember.

I grew up in an environment where my peers and their parents, leaders, and teachers were constantly seeking after the effects of the 'spirit'. It was during the 90's, a time when experience was highly regarded, functioning to draw people into a kind of a religion all it's own.

To experience a spirit though, what does is mean?

I understand when someone has a spirit; take school spirit for example: It causes someone to go 'all out' for their school. They chant for the teams, run for student office, tell others how great their school is, etc. They possess an idea; a feeling, and they hold fast to the belief that their school is the best! Is this some sort of demon possession? Well, it would definitely be hilarious to say so! But no, it isn't. It is a spirit they have embraced. One doesn't get possessed by the school, they possess a spirit that causes them to act in a way that promotes, loves and works for the school.

That might not make it clear, so let's take another example; someone with a spirit of anger.

A person who has a spirit of anger allows themselves to get angry quickly. They are given to rage. They may find a sort of "high" in their anger. But is it demon possession? Again, I think not. What I would say is, that anger is a reflection of where their heart is. It has become part of their intrinsic nature; their essence. They may not be angry all the time, but situations happen and they get easily upset. Maybe someone has insulted them, and they decide that they are/want to be angry at this person, so they allow the spirit of anger to fuel their thoughts, words, and actions.

I spent my youth in the hardcore scene. Hatred, anger, and aggression were cultivated. Were we all perpetually hateful, angry, aggressive guys? Not really, but we gave ourselves over to a spirit of hatred - to a spirit of anger. We embraced it. And the more we nurtured and fed it, the easier it came. Do you like to embrace anger? Do you habitually look for something to be angry at? You have a spirit of anger. Maybe you've held onto that spirit for so long, that you don't even remember what its like not to be prone to it.

A spirit of victimization is what I now see coming across our culture. It is an attitude that has become a default way of dealing with the world. It has become people's intrinsic nature. It works against success, and keeps one in a rut. But it doesn't have to be that way. You can be filled with a spirit of hope, a spirit of generosity, a spirit of selflessness, even a spirit of dutyIf someone is filled with joy, and is generally a happy person, is it not easy to see they are filled with a spirit of joy?

Intrinsic Nature

That term gives the idea that one cannot change, like as if to say "a leopard can't change it's spots". In this case, I disagree with such an idea. I will say that I don't expect any change to your intrinsic nature to be quick or easy. On the same token, it does need to be said that it definitely can be changed. Just as you can adopt a spirit of anger, you can also open yourself up to a different kind of spirit. One could temper their spirit of anger with discipline. Often, when practicing any kind of discipline, the spirit of self-control will come over you.

Again, are these entities? Are these angels and demons fighting for control over your mind? I don't think so. If you tune in to a spirit, it will change your nature. If you allow a spirit of depression to settle on you, what's gonna happen? You're going to be depressed. How can you overcome this? What spirit will correct this? How about a spirit of thankfulness? Do you live in one of the rich countries in the world? Are you free to speak your mind? Count your blessings. You can find reasons to be thankful, if you're open to tuning in to that spirit.

That all being said, if you don't change the spiritual dial on your intrinsic nature, you're gonna be stuck on the same station. If you don't enact real tangible change in your heart, your mind, and your actions, you're gonna be stuck with sameness of spirit too.

You can test a spirit. It's what we do with hypocrites. They may say they love children, but one look at their family lives shows they can't take care of their own. They may say love is the answer, yet they have no idea how to love. What about me, the one typing this? Can you test my spirit by my words? Clearly I have a spirit that has moved me to write these ideas down... but do I have enough of a spirit of courage to share it with people who are gonna not only disagree, but fight me on my ideas? Do I do this for my own personal glory, or for what then?

What you do is a reflection of the spirit within you. It is a reflection of your intrinsic nature at the moment, and that intrinsic nature can change. Your thoughts are the beginning of your actions, but you can take your thoughts captive - you can choose to stop the thoughts in your head. Did you know that?
You can mentally stop allowing thoughts to play on your mind.
If you have a spirit of determination, and you choose to apply it to putting an end to thoughts of, let's say, worrying - you have the power to do it. It won't be easy - but the more you practice, the stronger your willpower grows. It's like any other muscle, it needs to be exercised if it's to become stronger.

What you do matters. It is a physical manifestation of what you believe; where your heart is at; what spirit is at work in you.

Does the spirit move you? What spirit is it? Are you moved to give? Great! Is that because you are in touch with the Holy spirit? Not necessarily. It's because the spirit in you - your intrinsic nature at the time - is a generous one. You have a spirit of generosity that moves you to give. Again, you are not possessed by an angel.

Now all of this has not accounted for the Spirit realm of entities and personalities. That is a whole other ball game, that I can't say I really understand all that well. I may try to put some words to it... but don't hold your breath waiting.
