Socially justified greed

You ever look at a rich guy, or a prosperous company, and think to yourself "hey, those fuckers could stand to pay us a lot more! What greedy bastards!"?

Well, surprise - that means you're envious and greedy too. Yup. Because if you're reading this, you can probably afford a computer, and you probably live in a 'first world' nation. So, you are richer than mostly everybody on the planet, and can likely afford to make changes in your spending and give some of your hard earned money away. You may be in debt, probably all of us are to greater or lesser degree, but if you live in the first world then you still have access to a high quality of life.

How much money do you spend on simple pleasures like drink, smoke, eating out, coffee, or whatever? If you're single you probably spend most of your pay check on yourself and the people you want to impress. I can almost guarantee it.

Oh, but you share with your friends, yeah? Why don't you share with someone who can't pay you back? And it doesn't have to be money you share. Time is just as important.

Then maybe you can start a business. See how much money it takes to get off the ground, work your ass off for a decade, and then prepare yourself to undergo the onslaught of whining and envy coming your way from the next generation of students indoctrinated with a sense of entitlement to the fruits of your labours.

Basically what I'm getting at is that there's more to business than what you get out of a few quick memes or snappy remarks from your peers. Growth takes a lot of work. It is true that our generation has been tricked into a student loan debt scheme that has left many individuals educated but unemployed - yet still, demanding that those who have been successful just give over what they've earned is not right. In fact, demanding it is the same as bullying. Or theft.

If you're complaining about the rich then you need to check where your heart is at. Beware of your heart! It's full of deceit, and the mind justifies what the heart desires. Every where we turn we are being sold something new that we need, that will make our lives better. Don't envy the rich, they have greater responsibilities than you think.

Remember what uncle Ben told Peter Parker! With great power (and money is power) comes great responsibility. You want to be a social justice warrior? You want power? Ask yourself, is your heart in the position to make you do the right thing even when the decisions are tough? Or do you just want to elevate yourself?

What are you really upset about? Is your life that bad because the rich are rich?

Let every one examine themselves.
Or to put it in modern terms, "Y'all better check yourselves".
