The problem with a lack of healthy discourse

Sometimes we forget that we as people spend most of our time stumbling around in the dark. When a light is turned on there's suddenly a fair share of blame to go around.

When you start to study anything you see a different story unravel than the one that is commonly told. When this happens you want to show the world what you've found. When people don't see what you see it's hard not to get upset. Being new to any kind of truth that you've uncovered through serious research and challenge can turn the most timid of us into a zealot.

It gets worse if you don't have community to check your attitude for you.

I've become increasingly more disconnected to the world - as I look out at it mainly through the blue-filtered lens of my laptop screen. Instead of being calm and gentle, my heart has begun to boil, my mind has become overrun with fears and all I want to do is fight.

That which I uncover I want to share - and I do - but the damaging ideas that we've inherited from our parents, systems, and cultures, my heart burns to destroy. The problem is that I like to listen to pundits and teachers that agree with me and add fuel to my fire, which ends up causing me to go up in flames myself.

This makes me a bad party guest.

However, I do get to have civil conversations with people who disagree with me. Even when there's emotions that run high because some of things I'm thinking go in a very dangerous direction... So my friend rebuked me. I very strongly dislike being put in my place. But like any kind of discipline, even though I don't like it when it happens, I love the results that come from it.
