Weep for the children

Emotions are a combined sequence of learned reactions.

Your emotions work faster than your logic. Over time, environmental conditioning will set off chemical reactions in your body causing you to act in a manner appropriate for the response. If something that triggers your fear shows up, you will react as you do when you are afraid.

Some people meditate to recognize their emotions; to acknowledge them - then to put them away in an effort to not be controlled by them.

An emotional person is difficult to rationalize with. Their emotions need to be addressed. When people are upset you have to make them know you recognize their anger. Anger itself isn't bad - neither is fear. They play an important role, but giving yourself over to your emotions can have devastating consequences. Fortunately that's not always the case.. but ye be warned!

The way we as people tend to feel about things often overlooks the facts. For example; I might feel like I said something that totally hurt someone, causing me to fret, worry, and succumb to guilt - when all along the person in question never perceived an offence. This could work the other way too, where I have no idea the other person took offence.

People need to be corrected, otherwise they'll keep on screwing up.  Right? I mean, is that not how it works? Sure, some people are good people, but if you're ignorant of what you're doing that doesn't mean you didn't do it. If I don't know that it's bad to be racist, what reason do I have not to be if everyone else around me is? I may begin to feel like I'm fighting the good fight, but that doesn't absolve me of my guilt! If I murder natives because I think I'm doing the right thing, it doesn't make them any less dead.

It happens just as often as not, that we're doing what feels good instead of what does good.

Fuck your feelings. If you're wrong, you're wrong.
That's why facts are important.

Events get convoluted, as there are so many facts that need to be stacked against each other. How else would we find justice? Hate them or not, lawyers play an important role in the system when someone has committed an offence. Facts are important, and a good lawyer can help you present them in a way that showcases your innocence... likewise, an unscrupulous lawyer can successfully discredit the case against you - for justice, or the perversion of it.

Here's a fun fact: Men and women are physically and genetically different. They are legitimately different in their internal systems, body structure, and chromosomes. Those are facts. You can feel like it doesn't apply to you, or that your feelings need to be addressed, but if your feelings don't align with reality, that doesn't mean that reality isn't real. It means you have a problem.

That is, of course, unless morals are relative and we really don't understand anything. If that's the case, then people can do what they want because consequences aren't really a thing. This will in no way, shape, or form lead to the practice of might making right...?

Imagine a pack of groupies defending a pop star who's a known sexual predator. They love him, and feel that you're just being judgemental and ignorant. They may be totally wrong, but with the energy of idol worship, coupled with a healthy dose of group think to cloud their minds, they become a rabid pack of animals ready to tear apart anyone who slanders their beloved pop star.

When you're emotionally inclined you tend to believe that what you feel is the truth. Emotions are powerful. We would be unwise to ignore this. Anyone who knows how to speak to groups understands this. Emotional appeals are a powerful way to win your point when your argument fails.

Here's another fun fact: Feelings and emotions can and will be used to manipulate you and set you off course. Take for example the U.S. president who just cried on camera. It isn't the first time he's done it, but if you think for a minute that he wasn't well aware of the cameras rolling the power of emotional appeal, then you'd better check your head. He's a politician. He knows what he's doing, and he knows how to play it well. Genuine or not, the results are the same. More over, it shows his contempt for the American citizens. He's playing to the heart, under the pretense of justice. Whether or not you agree with his agenda is another issue, but to believe that his tears aren't calculated is too much for me to buy.

Am I being callous? Were not those tears legit? Well, when actors cry their tears are legit. They can bring up legitimate tears on demand. Why couldn't a U.S. president, or any other official for that matter? I find it totally suspicious that he cries over children.

There's always a battle for our hearts and minds, and crying for the children is a slam dunk.
