
We have a very conscious generation.
We have a very tumultuous planet. Lots of fire and water laying destruction in its path.
This summer Western Canada began to feel the effects of drought.
California has been struggling with drought for 4 years, and it's just getting worse.
It's an election year in Canada, and the Americans aren't far behind. There's lots of talk about how Canada is in a recession, but I can't say that I've noticed. Actually, I didn't notice the effects of the last recession either - and I'm poor. Maybe ignorant, too? Although, it's not like I have anyone to support..

One can't help but notice all the damage  done to our planet, but I'm encouraged by the projects and discoveries that are taking place. What I mean by that, is the sustainable way we've seen youth and university students clean up and 'green up' their progressive efforts, and the way that GMO's and toxic foods are being recognized.

The toxic foods, and the unfortunate truth of what pesticides and chemicals are doing to our bodies have forced us to become aware of what is happening. It sucks, but sometimes that's what it takes. Those who profit from selling us inexpensive poison aren't going to stop or admit their faults anytime soon. That's kind of what happens when you have a vested interest in the status quo.

Sustainable development, though.. well... that wasn't a grass roots movement.

Much the opposite. The United Nations and their proxies put together many plans to implement these ideas long ago. So much so, that it turns out that the years 2005-2014 were put forth as the "United Nations Decade for Education of Sustainable Development"

In and of itself that isn't necessarily bad. What bothers me is how it's been framed as a grassroots movement. Sustainable Development is a top-down idea; an idea which began in 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio.

Moving away from destructive energy is good. Making people more responsible is also good. I am still, however, unsettled by the realization that many of the ideas I thought came from my generation's 'enlightenment' come from the previous generation, from many places far removed from our own, as well as our own, and their designs for our future.

How long does it take for ideas to translate globally?

Living in Vancouver, I hear the term sustainable development a lot. It could be because I'm a 'progressive' individual - in that I recycle, eat organic (sometimes), and pay attention to environmental destruction. But there are other things that I thought were my own ideas that I'm starting to realize also come from the UN.

One such idea is the disbelief in ownership. I own a bunch of instruments, but what does it even mean to own them? They are at my disposal.. but if I owned land, would I not be more of a 'steward' of that land? I mean, It would be in my name, but how can I even say that I 'own' land? I guess maybe I'm thinking like a filthy dirt muncher..

Here's a fun fact, John Deere tractors are working their sales to not longer be sales of ownership. They are now making the tractor sales "licenses to operate". This takes ownership away from the farmer, and puts it in the hands of the manufacturer. These tractors that farmers now pay for will not be their own. They are property of John Deere. Hence, if they want to they can revoke your license.

Private property, much like privacy itself; is becoming extinct.
Maybe I should keep my thoughts private. Right?

No time for paranoia now!
I have ideas to weave...

Let me think about my chef knife.. I currently have one that I purchased over 5 years ago. It has special value to me. I treat it like I treat all of my possessions (as a work horse made for doing it's job!) I take care of it. I trust it. It is mine. (Is this an appropriate reaction - to develop a deep sense of trust and bond with ones tools?)

There is an argument that ownership entails a sense of responsibility that compels people to invest. I'd have to say that's true in the case of my knife. I think it's true for many things. Guitars are the same. I don't treat the other chef knife that my friend left at my house the same. I use it, but it's not mine. 

In summary, I'm suspicious of the top down ideas and I think we should should be allowed to own things.
