Ash star

A black stone fell from the heavens.
The peoples of the the south gathered around it, and the sages declared it to be a symbol of life from the great goddess. Every year the people would celebrate, and would worship the goddess by honouring the stone.

The blue bloods, high in their towers and places of power, considered this among themselves. As they could see no threat posed against their own power, they found it to be in their best interest to let the goddess be placated, and the people pre-occupied. So the stone was placed in a holy place, and word of it's power spread through the kingdoms. Many came to touch the stone of power, while others praised the goddess from afar, often at the time of sowing seeds.

But time wore on and the people of the south forgot their holy rites, so the stone hid itself.

For 600 years.

When the stone was found again, it was declared to have been placed in it's box at the dawn of time. Again the people came to praise the goddess and honour the stone. Likewise, the blue bloods again considered to themselves the issue of the stone.

They agreed that it was fine and good for them if the people chose to kiss the stone. As they still do today.
