The Insaniacs

A long time ago, in a land far far away, I was in a punk band.
Things were cold, I was new to Argyle Alternative High School (yay for alternative education!) and I fell in with the different punks there. One of which was in his own band already, called 'The Insaniacs'.
I joined in the year 2000 at the age of 16, replacing the original guitar player Kent, and radically changing the bands tone. Then by the time I turned 18 we had ourselves our first EP, if you will.
Here's what it sounded like:

So that was recorded in 2001. We did a follow up album (which you can find on the bandcamp site) and even recorded a 3rd one around 2005/06. It was around then that we finally caved. We had been planning a tour with our new bass player, but I was in a real bad place, and none of us were as close as we once were. Well, to be fair, that's only my view. I think other guys were under the impression we still had lots going for us.
The triggers for my quitting I won't get into, suffice it to say that I never looked back on walking away. I had a new fantasy thrash metal project that I was excited about, and spent the next 5 years pouring myself into, and I celebrated the new chapter in the story of Zades.

These events all feel very far in the past. We did do a reunion show of sorts, or maybe it was a farewell show... I can't even remember now, that was in about 2008/09.
Fast forward a few years to while I've been living out in a Vancouver. John came and visited me and he and his girl ended up moving out here for a short time (before getting German Visa's and trekking over to Berlin), and it was then that Aarom, our drummer, flew out here and paid us a visit. That in itself isn't unusual, but while he was here we rented some space and played the old songs. John and Aarom were sold. After only a few songs both guys were convinced we could pick it up and start playing again.
I disagreed.
So John and I argued.
A lot.

After deciding that it was a bad plan, far too ambitious and out of reach, and would certainly be more work than anyone cared to believe, I agreed to do it. I had nothing really important or exciting in my life, so what the hell, it gave me work to do and people to work with. Which is great. Left to my own devices I'd never leave my house! This project got me out and down to Portland a lot, as that's where we decided to record.
Why Portland? Because that's where we found our current bass player, Colin Sanders, a.k.a Kolin Kosmetics (affectionately named after our original bass player, Karla Kosmetics), who's a well known figure in the Portland scene, and an old friend.

So our plan was to record a new album, put it out through one of John's European connections, and tour the old world. No problem!
We started in 2011. We re recorded some of our never released tracks and wrote one or two more. Writing the songs got kinda funny, as John and I worked on chords and lyrics before he left, but by the time we sent him the recorded tracks he had lost his words (well.. he didn't exactly lose them so much as his lyric book was outright stolen!) Particularly I'm referring to a song called The fascist world of sports (subtlety is key here, folks.)
Never the less, we got it done. Or rather.. are getting it done. It's scheduled to be released in the spring through Johnny Cat Records, another good friend down in ol' Portland town.

Here's what we sound like now:

And by now, I mean that's what we recorded 4 years ago. Touring plans are still being developed, people are still talking, but will things move fast? Nah. I'm guessing 2016.

So stay proud, stay true, stay punk!
