Arts and leisure


On friday, Danger Thrill Show performed to a full capacity audience at Lana Lou's. The venue was full of faces I'd never seen before. Neil worked endlessly to promote and organize this event, and it paid off.
The job that we had of putting together playlists was rewarding. I sat many days with Neil, sorting through good tunes, bad tunes, and too much swing. In the end, people liked what I played. Enough so that I heard it more than once. (Sweet sweet validation! Am I cool? Has it really finally happened?) Like the two sexy circus lunatics, Heather and Tia, that were next to me taking care of our merchandise, sporadically breaking into dance.

Heather (the upright one) is a good friend of the show. She was supposed to tour the island with us last year, but ended up having knee surgery the day we were supposed to leave. So, she was out of commission for a little while.

Our tarot artist did well, as did the girl from sweet tart (originally Salamander Salt Curio was supposed to have a stand, but had some sort of scheduling complications). But I didn't hear too much from our caricature artist. There was so much going on, I didn't see her the whole night. I don't think I got to meet the tarot reader either.

I'm always interested in new artists. I love the role that art plays in music, and as I have basically zero ability as an artist myself, I love to find art that speaks to me which I can attach to my sounds, or vice versa, pictures that i can make sounds for.

I have a good network of friends and artists to draw from. While I was playing thrash metal back in the 'peg an artist named Nyco Rudolph emerged. He was our singers room mate and friend and I think he offered to make us our first poster. After that he began making our imagery and it wasn't long before he was in demand.

I just got a cassette designed by my friend Kelsey. You can download the tracks on bandcamp under Dangerous Myths. I had another friend doing some artwork for it.. shit, I should probably call him and tell him I don't need his art any more...
He used to do all the artwork for the Insaniacs. Not the current stuff though. He currently runs his own tattoo shop.

So, another musical artist from winnipeg is my friend Shane. He sings in a band called Quagmire. They picked their name only a short time before Family Guy came out, but they just stuck with it, cause.. they were there first!

At any rate, he's put himself in a better place, and has been pumping out an impressive body of work over the last couple years.

A photo posted by Shane Haywood (@shanehaywood) on
This is John Nuclear, my friend and bandmate. The photograph this is painted from actually won some award, no idea which one though.

What I would love is to have new artwork coming my way all the time. Would anyone draw blog art for me if I asked them?

How about you? Yeah, YOU! will you draw me a new cover picture for my blog?

Think about it. Let me know.


  1. Wish I saw the show.

    You write well, keep it up!!

    Dave from winterpeg

    1. Thanks for the kind words man. Would you tell me how you found out about the page?


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