Booty Shakin' Stunt Production

Writing grants is totally overwhelming. Where to begin?! I've looked over the BC provincial grants, but every time I get to looking at them I can't figure out which direction to take.
My friend Baxter managed to get a recording grant out of Factor, and I know they do touring grants as well, which I'll have to grill Baxter about, as he's the one who told me about them.

For the time being though, we all have our work cut out for us. Our current mission is setting up performers, acts, and advertising for a circus themed night down at our mainstay venue, Lana Lou's. The current crew of Neil, Melody Mangler, Matt and myself will be there, but this time we have a twerk master signed up to perform go-go dancing in-between acts.
Included in the entertainment will be tarot card readings, caricature drawing booths, and an oddities and curio shop run by Sarah at Salamander Salt Curio.
Check her stuff out at

We also got some photos done by a friend of Mel's named Tony Dathan. It was basically a free shoot, aside from the sneaky 'implied nude' that he requested.
A bit greasy, but that's show business, right? Either way, he took the photo for this here handbill.

Unfortunately on this little card the info about the go-go dancer and all the little booths (tarot, caricature, etc.) is illegible... but they'll look good once the posters are out.

Mel is something pretty amazing. Always working her ass off doing theatre, dance and entertainment -  her and April O' peel run the Screaming Chicken Theatrical Society (which puts on some pretty phenomenal shows), she takes contortion classes, she's adding sword balancing to the ladder of swords act, she dances, sings.. the woman's unstoppable. Did I mention she's also drop dead gorgeous?
Yet for some unfathomable reason she gives a lot of her time to DTS, training with the boys, organizing props, and making costumes.

What was I talking about now... hmmm, oh yeah, this show! It's gonna be a rager!
... if...
we can advertise the hell out of it and coax some folks down to Lana Lou's! (hidden in the deep dark side streets of Vancouver's legendary Downtown East Side)
So this is a part of where my actual work comes in - writing a press release and getting the word out.
Fortunately, this doesn't all fall on my shoulders, as the poster above is not my work (I'm quite visual artistically challenged. Not that that stops me from busting Neil's chops about his handiwork!)

Before the tour we did in the summer I spent a good amount of time hunting down sponsors, and had a template draft for asking different companies/shops for support, and NONE of them responded.
So that tells me that
a) It needs to be re-worded, and
b) We need to ask different places, and offer better compensation
What's good is that Neil has been successful in his efforts to collect sponsors. No monetary sponsorships yet though. And being in that we have only a little over a month to show date, it seems unrealistic that we'll get any sort of grant before then. Really.

Even writing a press release I've been struggling with. I've written several, it may just be that I tend to over think things and lose a lot of time researching other peoples press releases. And as I write that, I think I may need to take another stab at it.

So stay crazy, hazy and Swayze everybody!
