
The year burns on, and October is already halfway done! How has this happened.. being busy, I guess.
But there are fruits to my labours, and my cassette is nearing completion! It's always so close, then not so close.. then I have to change one small thing, or get someone else to help me do that...anyway.. The art is done, a cool woodcut style piece designed by Kelsey 'Rat Funk'! Currently I'm just waiting for her to re-send me the same file in a higher dpi (which I found out stands for dots per inch). My good friend Jason Hancox helped me do a lot of layout work, and we even designed a logo! A few different ideas went into this thing.

I've always liked the pagan art style, woodcut kinda stuff, so a crescent moon wasn't exactly anything original. But I wanted something looking accelerated and upward. It also looks like a boomerang, or a sail. But more so it's the letter D.
I had other ideas for the M. One was to put the crescent on a tattered flag with three points, but my friend Louise sketched out the idea for the lightning bolt that now serves as the letter M. When she penciled it on paper for me it sunk in right away, as it also looks like a shadow beneath the moon.
So I got Jay to work some of his magical graphic expertise, and voila!

I do plan to change the negative space around it, though. I think maybe a circle or..
or maybe a triangle! All the rave kids are wearing triangles these days. Triangles and shirts with faded hubble images. I want to start an electronic project called Triangles and Ketamine, hahahaha. Yeah? No? Leave a comment below! But this is certainly not rave music. 
Maybe a shield would work...

November 14 comes up real soon, and on that day I get to work a real underground circus themed party, with tarot and booty and elephant ears!  We have a girl called Jasmine Spice doing some go-go dancing between stunts. She's drop dead gorgeous, and is hailed as Vancouver's twerk champion! hahaha, so I'm excited to she what she decides to do. I mean, she's hired for go-go, but she teaches several different styles, so I'm expecting greatness.

It's cool, we have Pserah from Salamander Salt and Curio setting up a shop.. real witchy stuff. Semi-religious mystical trinkets, occult paraphenalia, dead frogs.. well the last one's kind of a joke, but if there was a cauldron in the back of Lana Lou's we'd be cooking up some real devilish dreams!

Maybe by next week I'll have a bandcamp link up and you folks (if anyone actually reads this thing) can download it from here! Yay!

'til then, 
keep it weird
