Summer's over!

In November this year, 2014, we're turning Lana Lou's into a circus themed party. The line up is looking good, with go-go dancers, concessions, games booths, and all kindsa monkey business!

Neil just did a show as an opening act for the Tubuloids record release, which was a wicked night. Possibly the best I've had in a while. Baxter, an ex-Winnipeger, knows how to throw a show.
He's got good taste in bands and venues and this one was at my favourite bar for seeing punk shows, Pat's Pub. 
Baxter's band is fun. What a good vibe that guy can get. The dance floor went from girls spinning some sort of go-go twist into slam dancing with a dude riding a surfboard through the crowd and then all over again.
So well do we all know these guys, on the record they were releasing that night is a song about my good pal Neil E. Dee.
It seems like I was supposed to talk about something else... 

Oh yeah, right. The last show of that tour we did in July.
Yeah, Prince George is a weird place. Real violent they say. But we played at the gay club, which really looked like a high school lounge,
or maybe a roller rink,
but very friendly.

At this club the most economic way to drink was to order yourself some 'buckets'. For 9 bones you get 3 oz of whatever alcoholic concoction you can mix out of their basic selection.So.. budweiser and whiskey... tequila and hard lemonade... all dumped in a pale and served with a straw. ..yeah... Matt agreed to drive us back to our pad that night, thanks buddy!

Maybe this is why?

Can't really say I wasn't gonna drink, but this was just silly.

The adorable blonde was our host for the night, and did a burlesque number with a garbage bag and body parts.
Very Prince George, maybe?

Well, late in the night Neil decided it would be a good idea to call his mom back in Goderich, Ontario. It sounded like he was out of his mind with hilarious rage, and before the call was made we all expected him to just start yelling.
It was about 6 am their time when his step dad picked up, and in a wasted state his loud tone went totally hushed and nice.
We were all caught off guard, but he slowly worked up to accusing his mom of throwing him out of a car and lighting him on fire as a child (she claimed only one was half true), and then he tried to convince her that we were in a homosexual relationship. You know, we share a van and spend all of our time together. Just without the sex.
I don't think she believed him.

At the Lambda Cabaret (the bar we performed at), the guy who DJ'd after our show played this track a couple times, and it got stuck in my brain.

And holy sheep shit did we dance up a storm at that weird little club!

We crawled slowly out of bed the next day.

Then spent over 10 hours driving home.
