We didn't start the fire

On our way out of Kamloops we started to talk with the guys hosting our event in Vernon, and from the other side of the line things weren't sounding very good.
You see, up here in B.C. we get an annual onslaught of forest fires. This year they decided to start just as Danger Thrill Show set out to blaze our own trail through the Okanagan. We even brought with us a couple of fire eaters.. which we actually hadn't worked into the set, but of course were all too happy to advertise.
As for the local fire marshall, he wasn't so happy about it.

We figured due to the seriousness of the wild fires that they'd have their hands full. Which they did. Except that in this case their hands were full of demands and regulations that they used to slap the promoter with.

The venue technically holds a capacity of 120 people, but seats 80 during performances. We were also in need of a temporary liquor license and booze to provide, which was our original motivation for contacting Cariboo to sponsor us.
the liquor license was denied, and the capacity limited by half. Which isn't really a great start. But after the decision not to do any fire acts everything else was cool.

Vernon is a sleepy town. We did drive by a market which was "lively". It was right near our venue, The Hub arts collective. Now defunct (the city got him in the end... and I mean the whole city. Like, everyone. They have no souls. That's what Vernon means. Un-souls.) This place was a dope venue! A black interior with nothing but chairs and the stage, and by the start of the show they were full up and demanding the show get on.

There they are, such adorable little angels.. whatever could they be doing? Hm.

Anyway, great show. The crowd was really good for this one. I don't see a lot of hecklers in Vancouver, but there were a couple in Vernon. One guy in particular with a patched out vest who was witty as shit!
The bachelor party was pretty funny too - Matty Brown, our friend and former venue owner, was best man for this thing. There were calls made to the bachelor's wife, which our massive and bendy comedian Fatt Matt got into a ridiculous back n forth with. Matt is a funny man, but this woman was something else. No flies on her, I tell ya! It all made for a real community show. With a lot of friends, and illegal drinking.

At some time after the show we were all bent on heading to an upstairs section of the venue for this bachelor party business, not really sure what to expect. We were kinda concerned that things would be extra bad for Melody, as now she would have to deal with not just the attentions of Matt n Neil, (who together could talk the devil into lighting himself on fire), but would now have an entire bachelor party expecting her to take her clothes off... as.. well... that's kinda what she does.
But these were the nicest dudes you could imagine. Very good guys. Very child like, and innocent. Like I said. Un-souls.

So after some absinthe (the first drink I'd had since being on vacation in May) and a couple more drinks there was some celery fighting, dancing, shenanigans, and finally the late night quest for eats that wound up as the first of several visits to Denny's on this tour.
