Tour tactics and the first gig in Kamloops

So touring takes a lot of work. Neil E. Dee, our host and ring leader started booking this tour about 4 months before we hit the road, which doesn't sound like a lot of time, but a lot of the dates weren't confirmed even up until the month before we hit the road.
In that time we had our hands full trying to get enough dates to fill out the two weeks. As it happened we ended up with 3 days in between where we had to come back to Vancouver and regroup. This worked out for us, as Melody Mangler couldn't keep on after the Okanagan due to prior obligations. 
The voluptuous Ms. Kata Sita was available to join us for the second half which really worked out. She'd been with the show years ago (she was in the first show I saw before joining), and it only took a couple of days for her to get back in the groove.
It's a funny thing though, getting into the swing of things just as they're coming to an end.. 

Back to booking; we did our best to get sponsorships from a handfull of different shops. One of the directions we went was asking restaurants to sponsor us for lunch in exchange for logo placement on our promo materials as well as on-stage plugs. Much to our disappointment no one was biting.
We also contacted the local tattoo and motorcycle shops in the towns we were going to. But, alas, we were met with the same digital silence, which was a little cold to be sure. But that's what you get when you're cold calling. It's frustrating. After the first few you get used to not taking things too personal though. It is basically panhandling over the internet, after all.

That being said, our two sponsors during the tour were Instinct Adornment and Cariboo brewing.
And theses two sponsors were golden. 

Jenna at Instinct Adornment is an old friend of the show, and she and her husband Theo really took care of us. They housed us, fed us twice, and even sent a magical desert nymph to show us an unspeakable time down by the river under the open Skye.

The boys down at Pacific West Brewing (a.k.a. Cariboo) were all too happy to help us out too. Twice, I might add!
Here's a nice little vignette of what we had left to drink on our way to Vernon 

And with the help of these two amazing sponsors, we rolled into Kamloops and showed them a time no one's gonna soon forget. We certainly won't forget the two party kids who we hung out with after the show. We were under the impression they knew a friend of ours, and it wasn't until late in the night when their presence was becoming a bit more than uncomfortable that we realized the misunderstanding we had had. 

Before that though, Neil, the two party kids, and myself stepped outside of our hotel room to do get some things from the van. When we came back into the room Matt and Melody were sitting together on the bed looking very nice and calm.

Wearing each others clothes.

It took about one glance of Matt wearing Melody's dress and most of us hit the ground laughing.
One of our guests, however, didn't seem to put it together.
It wasn't until the laughter died down that she realized what had happened.

Here, check it out

You can't really make it out in this pic, but Melody and our guest are both in Matts pants. 

And several beers and tears later, we found ourselves leaving the mean streets of Kamloops for another season.
