Down by the bay

The final show with Melody mangler.
Nesting place of the elusive lake monster called Ogopogo,

We rolled into town pretty early so we decided to check out the venue, which was an awesome place called Fernando's. With killer mexican fare, Megadeth playing through the speakers, and a friendly vibe, I was right pumped about my first trip to the land of the Ogopogo. We downed our delicious drinks and meals (the steak tacos were brilliant) then chilled the hell out in a park down the street by the waterfront.
We couldn't help but notice that Kelowna had some secrets.
Logan's Run style secrets.
As we lounged in the park, we saw no girls over 17. None. And we stayed there for hours. Plenty of middle aged women, but no other girls. It's like they don't let them stay once they're of age..
This park though.. It had some strange folk rolling through it. We were joined by a guy in a wheelchair who had several other people in tow as well as some throwing knives and healing oil. He claimed to be an ordained minister as well as an ex-circus performer. One of the first things he asked is if Neil is Roma tribe.. yeaaahhh, not so much. Guy seemed a little outta touch. And the one woman with him didn't say much until she said to Melody that "if a chik can suck a good dick - she don't got' do nothin'!"
I don't think Melody agreed. The funny thing is that it was somewhere about this time that we (as DTS crew) were all starting to get used to each other, and the show was starting to feel like it could work. Maybe sometimes all it takes is a bat-shit minister and a crackwhore to bring people together.
Or not. whatever.

Setting up the stage was fun, we got to do it basically in the path from the main dining room to the patio. Then to get to the backstage you had to walk through the crowd and the restaurant, go through the kitchen and into the back prep/freezer/washroom area where, while our performers got undressed and made up, so did several slabs of beef.

This was the best show of this tour.
For whatever reason there were power outages all through downtown, but on a saturday night the streets were busy and Kelowna likes to party. Our show was packed from the beginning, with the local burlesque girls Ginger Pix, Perfect Peach, and Leethal Leesa rippin' it up before the main event. They got the crowd pumping!

Neil opened with the most solid version of the grinder act I think he did this tour (it busted somewhere in the beginning of the tour and was a fuckin' shamble for most of the shows. I don't think he was very happy about it.) Then into the blockhead act, drawing a nice young unsuspecting girl from the crowd (they must just not let them out during the day) to help him with the screwdriver hes about to hammer into his face. It's always a good bit.

Matt's first act involved him rolling on the floor. With his highly refined skills as a fat guy, he knows how to work a crowd, and got them all down on the floor with him to watch this act. Awesome. They stayed that way.

We ended up breaking the door record, selling a ton of merch, taken to an abandoned house to party, then being housed by a a totally sweet woman named Alisa Speed.
Kelowna, you ruled.
I even got some Ukranian dancing in there.
